Financial Advice

Avoiding the Lure of Propaganda

As long as there has been civilization and communication, there has been propaganda. It’s the exaggeration or even total fabrication of truth that clouds our vision and makes us act irrationally. That irrationality leads to drifting, according to Napoleon Hill and Outwitting the Devil. Drifting is then the path to the Devil – the path to the loss of control of our own lives and our future. But how do we avoid something as insidious and subtle as propaganda can be… often we fall prey to it without having realized it! The best course is to always be using your rational mind. Always think for yourself. Always question if in fact what you’re being told – or even fooling yourself to believe – is actually the truth. Do your research and try to dive into all sides of a story. It seems like this is something even much of our mainstream media is failing to do today, instead favoring sensationalism or one-side of the story. That in its base form is propaganda as well. Stay sharp, stay informed and always be thinking for yourself and you can avoid the lure of propaganda.

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