Learn from Sharon

STOP Trying to Have it All: Finding a Work-Life Balance That Works for You

Burnout is becoming a huge issue in the United States. The problem is that we are told we can do and have everything, but the reality is that we have …

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: How to Overcome Gender Stereotypes in Business

The glass ceiling refers to a barrier, both social and business-related and both conscious and unconscious, that denies women equal pay for the same work as men- and keeps them …

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome | Nurturing Success as a Business Owner

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome | Nurturing Success as a Business Owner As an entrepreneur or small business owner, the success of your business depends on you, which is why …

How to Manage Your Time Effectively | 5 Simple Tips for Time Management

When it comes to time management, we all have to remember, it’s not how busy we are, it’s how productive we are that really matters. Feeling busy can also equate …

Juggling Work and Life | Strategies for Work-Life Balance and Sustainable Success

We live in a fast-paced world where work and personal demands add up, making us feel exhausted all the time. Juggling work and life isn’t easy, especially if you don’t …

How to Break Free from Self-Sabotage | A Guide to Empowerment and Success

When it comes to our success, the thing that typically holds us back from getting what we want is what is happening in our heads. The self-doubt we can feel …

The Future of Work | How to Thrive in the Gig Economy

Flexibility. It is what many people want for their lives and why the gig economy is becoming the future of work, as shown by its growth. It is expected to …

What is the Best Age to Retire? | Wealth Building Strategies for Financial Confidence Later in Life

“What is the best age to retire,” is a question I have been asked many times. Here’s the problem, it’s the wrong question to ask. It’s not about your age, …

The Most Important Financial Literacy Skills for Women | Make Money Work for YOU

We, as women, need financial information that works for us, so we can plan for our futures appropriately. The reality is that many women find themselves at a disadvantage as …

How to Overcome Obstacles and Seize Opportunities | A Step-by-Step Guide

Napoleon Hill said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” I live by this quote, and I also understand that …