Financial Advice

Tip 14: Learn to Use Cash Again

With the invention and proliferation of credit and debit cards, cash has become much less popular.  In fact, it is used less and less as a form of payment. If you are struggling with your credit cards, try reintroducing cash back into your life. The simple rule is if you can not pay cash for something, don’t buy it. Credit cards have made it far too easy to purchase things, with the “just charge it” mentality.  Then when the bill comes a month later, you are filled with buyer’s remorse when you stare down at a huge bill. By carrying and paying with cash again, you will prevent yourself from spending far too much on purchases you don’t really need.  When you count out the cash to pay for something, it takes longer than just swiping the card and gives you a chance to really think about the “value” of what you are buying.  Try it…it really works!

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