Financial Advice

Financial Education in Our Schools

Each year passes by without a strong curriculum of financial education in our schools nationwide. This is simply unacceptable. And though many of us have tried and continue to lobby for a financial curriculum, we need more of you to join in the call every day. Only when parents across the country are raising their arms and voices in union for financial education will we truly see the change that our children need and deserve. There is no lack of good financial education content available—and much of it is even free and available on-line.  The problem is execution. Unless we take the time or make the time to teach our children about money, chances are they will never learn it. While there are many wonderful organizations dedicated to improving financial literacy, and they are reaching more children every year, can you afford to wait for financial education in our schools? Can your children afford for you to wait? What I hope you’ll join me in doing is writing to your Senators and Congressmen, asking them to bring financial education into our schools now! The tools are there, the education is there, it’s simply time to take the action! Please add your voice to ours and help make the future a bit brighter for our children and their children.

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