Learn from Sharon

Spending Plan

How to Create a Spending Plan

One of the most common topics I’ve encountered while promoting financial literacy as CEO of Pay Your Family First is spending management. Many people focus on earnings without figuring out how and when they are going to distribute (spend) that money. They understand that to be successful, you should keep debts in check and save for the future—they simply don’t know how to make it happen. Everyone spends money. Having a spending plan allows us to be intentional about spending and provides a roadmap to financial goals.

pursuing a career as an entrepreneur

Pursuing Entrepreneurship After Graduation

College graduation is a wonderful achievement for the future of graduates. Studies have shown that degree holders earn at least $1 million more over the course of their lifetime than high school graduates.

how to create a budget plan

Five Smart Budgeting Tips for Busy Professionals

Budgeting is like eating healthy or exercising. We know we should do it; people urge us to do it all the time; and yet, for many, it is still difficult to make a firm commitment. It ends up being one of those things we are always putting off until the next day, or we do it in fits and starts.

ways to better manage money

Sharon’s Money Manifesto: Five Financial Rules for Success

One of the most rewarding things of my career is sharing what I have learned with others. Nothing inspires me more than seeing someone unlock their full potential, and it’s never too late to start this journey. But it is also important to remember that sound personal financial habits are the foundation to success.

how to get motivated

Motivational Magic: How to Start Realizing Your Ambitions

Many of the entrepreneurs I mentor, often ask me what is the key to entrepreneurial success. Without a doubt, passion, the willingness to work hard, a smart business strategy and the right associations are all pivotal to thrive. But even if you have all these things, you can still fail if you simply aren’t motivated to start or persevere when you finally do.

entrepreneur ideas for teens

How to Become a Successful Teen Entrepreneur

As a teenager, he struggled in school, even though he was very bright. His problem—dyslexia—was a familiar one, although poorly understood at the time. After failing to find his place at school, this 16-year-old boy made a huge decision: He dropped out of school to launch a business. His first venture, a magazine for young people called Student, sold $8,000 in advertising in advance of its first issue.

starting a new business

How to Avoid Pitfalls When Starting a New Business

Starting a new business is one of the most exciting and rewarding adventures you can embark on. It takes courage and a great deal of work. But in order to succeed, you also need to be armed with how to avoid pitfalls that so many new entrepreneurs face.


Why the Right Speaker Makes all the Difference

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to share my love ofpassion for financial literacy and entrepreneurship with numerous audiencesin a number of ways. One thing I have learned and impart to many of the people I mentor, is that when it comes to public speaking, it is crucial to be engaging, providing your audience with relevant information that moves them to action. That’s why when you put on an event, it is important to find the right speaker who can motivate audiences. A powerful speaker will be remembered by your guests and make your event a success.


Top Money Management Tips

I’ve shared in the past fundamental principles of successful money management and how this is essential for financial independence. Today, I want to impart a few simple, actionable, everyday tips you can incorporate into your life to better manage your money.

how to become a motivational speaker

How to Become a Motivational Speaker

A great motivational speaker has the power to educate, uplift and inspire people to realize their dreams and full potential. They should have a gift for galvanizing people into action and helping them transform their desires into action.