Public relations

Tools and Techniques of Public Relations

Public Relations

When you’re just starting off as a business owner or entrepreneur, building the reputation of your brand is key. At the same time, when you’re this early in the game, it’s likely that you may not have the funds to hire your own public relations (PR) representative. Instead, you’ll need to confidently represent yourself and your business. By utilizing the PR tools and techniques available to you, you can boost your reputation and spread awareness of your brand in no time.

Take Full Advantage of Social Media

When it comes to public relations, social media is your best friend. Especially if you know how to use it to your advantage. For instance, you can share your content with journalists who are actively scanning their channels. Or ask an executive to post on their LinkedIn profile. Or even interact with customers real-time (rather than wait for a press release). Not only is it 100% free to use most social media platforms, but it’s also probably the easiest way to engage with your audience. If you aren’t active on social media already, now is a great time to set up new accounts. But don’t stop at creating just a LinkedIn account. Other key social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. can give your brand or company free exposure as well.

Network with Journalists

Linking up with local journalists can also be a great way to get the word out. Don’t know where to start? Use HARO, a website designed to provide journalists with a robust database of sources. Never pass up an opportunity to be interviewed for a news story. The press coverage will likely be great for your brand. And if a journalist does a piece on you or your business, be sure to follow up with a “thank you” email to keep that relationship strong. And of course, if you don’t have a full-time PR representative on-board right now, knowing how to write and distribute your own press releases is key.

Build a Reputation Through Blogging

One of the best ways to improve your reputation and make yourself known as an industry leader is to blog regularly. In addition to creating content for your own company or personal blog, taking advantage of opportunities to guest blog is a great way to make your name more familiar to people in your industry.

A little strategy and planning goes a long way when it comes to your reputation with the public. For more advice and guidance on boosting your brand recognition, don’t hesitate to reach out to me today!

Contact Sharon


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