"As a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist and catalyst Sharon Lechter mixes wisdom from women through the ages with her own powerful experiences to map a road to success. Keys to success identified by Napoleon Hill over 75 years ago enjoy a make-over; this time for women!"

Barbara Barrett Former United States Ambassador to Finland

"Sharon Lechter has taken the best of Napoleon Hill to inspire women of all ages to Think and Grow Rich. Can you improve on a masterpiece? Yes, and this book is proof."

Harvey Mackay Author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

"Sharon Lechter goes about her work with passion. Think and Grow Rich for Women is simply a book that needed to be written for today’s woman to help her grow and serve others."

Don Green CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation

Think and Grow Rich for Women

For all women seeking to create their ideal lives.

  • Discover the 13 Steps to Success for women through the eyes and experience of women who have created a life of success and significance.
  • Learn how to address the issues women face today with real life advice on how to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities…from family issues, to job advancement, to business ownership.
  • Trade in the life-work balance guilt trip for the pursuit of ONE BIG LIFE filled with love, family, satisfaction and success.

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Success Resources

From Sharon Lechter- these downloadable and online resources are available to use as you build your blueprint for success.

Create Your Own Mastermind – Are the right people surrounding you to accelerate your path to success? Create or expand your Mastermind groups, attract successful minds and spirits that will inspire and encourage you as you set goals, create plans for achievement, and work through the obstacles that may stand in your way. Get your free guide to creating a mastermind group here!

Coaching Programs – In keeping with Hill’s Mastermind Principle, the ONE BIG LIFE and one-on-one with Sharon Coaching programs positions you to:

  • Leverage the experience, expertise and insights of women who have successfully pursued their purpose
  • Leverage Hill’s Principles to Success
  • Propel you down your path to success and significance

Contact us today to learn how you can learn directly from experts in entrepreneurship, money mastery and leadership!

Your Free Gift

In your search for answers, are you sure you are asking the right question?
Sharon Lechter’s free gift to you…. The Real Question- The Story of Why Not

Sharon reveals the one question that may be more important than any other…to opening doors, uncovering possibilities, and establishing the framework for becoming your best you! Order The Real Question e-book and get it for FREE by using the promo code ANSWERTHIS at checkout.

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Think and Grow Rich for Women Workbook

This downloadable workbook takes the Ask Yourself section at the end of each chapter in the book and combines it into an interactive workbook.

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