Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Sharon Lechter’s Best Money Tips.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
I want you to do something right now. I want you to stop for just a moment and think about your dream life. What it is that you value, what you’d like to accomplish, where you’d like to go, people you would like to meet and spend time with, etc. Really visualize it all in your head. Examine every little detail and ask yourself why you place it as such a strong value or goal in your life. Go ahead. Take a second and think. Got a nice mental image in your head? Now I want you to do one more thing. I want you to take a deep breath and dare to imagine everything you just dreamed could come true – that the life you truly value is within reach. I want you to dare to imagine it, because the next step is daring to live it. If you dare to put in the immense amount of hard work it takes, to make the sacrifices along the way and to always have the first then you truly can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Dare to imagine it. Spend this weekend creating a list of long-term and short-term goals that will help you advance bit by bit toward your dreams. Help your kids do the same. Don’t just dare to imagine. Dare to live.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
Most of us have never been taught the secrets of building wealth or how to leverage good debt to do it. It is not a difficult process, you just need …
If you ever find yourself saying things like: I can’t afford that Money doesn’t grow on trees I never have enough money It is a sign that your mindset and …