Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Sharon Lechter’s Best Money Tips.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
If you have your own business venture, or even a small hobby that generates some steady income, then you must know your Cost of Doing Business (CODB). CODB is pretty self-explanatory – it’s the money you must bring in for your business to be sustainable. Essentially, it’s your break even point for the time you spend and hard costs on the services or products that you are trying to generate a profit on. If you’ve gone ahead on a business plan without actually taking the time to figure out your CODB, you might be headed for trouble. It will do you no good if you find out after a short (or worse long) period of time that your great new business venture is actually costing you money instead of making it! You can find your CODB by adding all the small and large items it takes to run your business – everything from internet fees to paper products, business cards to marketing material, travel and more. Before beginning any new venture be sure you tackle this!
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
Most of us have never been taught the secrets of building wealth or how to leverage good debt to do it. It is not a difficult process, you just need …
If you ever find yourself saying things like: I can’t afford that Money doesn’t grow on trees I never have enough money It is a sign that your mindset and …