Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Sharon Lechter’s Best Money Tips.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Failure can be a crushing and devastating experience. It can weigh heavy on the heart and mind. But what successful people know is that a failure does not mean you are a failure. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before making his lightbulb and as he is famously told to have said, “I did not fail. I found 2,000 ways not to make a light bulb.” What if we all adopted that attitude? Imagine the positivity and power of creation we would collectively hold? With every failure comes an opportunity if you look hard enough and there is always one opportunity present in every single failure without exception. The opportunity to learn. Learning from your failures and mistakes is the best way not to repeat them. It is the best way to find an advantage, take hold of it, make it yours and propel yourself to new heights. Remember that no failure is permanent, no set-back too great, no obstacle too high to climb up, go around, dig under or blast through. You simply need to find the right tools to do it. Find the opportunities in your failures and turn them into stepping stones to success.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
Most of us have never been taught the secrets of building wealth or how to leverage good debt to do it. It is not a difficult process, you just need …
If you ever find yourself saying things like: I can’t afford that Money doesn’t grow on trees I never have enough money It is a sign that your mindset and …