Publishing, Writing

What You Need To Know

In today’s world of print on demand and online publishing services, it is easier than ever to become a published author. Holding the first copy of your book is incredibly fulfilling. Whether it’s your first book or your fifth, your time, effort creativity and expertise are poured onto those pages. Your insight, wisdom and experience will find its way into the hands that want or need it, right?

The road to book release for a self published author may start out different than one who gets picked up by a major publishing house, but their paths crisscross well before the book launch and overlap shortly after. So what differentiates the books that hit mega success from those that fizzle out shortly after release?

With the increased ease of publishing and the waning impact of book store shelf space has come a greater need for effective marketing and visibility for your book. The competitive field has widened dramatically as more and more books find their way into each publishing category. A successful author understands that completing the book marks the end of phase 1…not the entire project.

An author is the first line sales team for his or her book. You are the voice of your work…so be sure you are implementing strategies to ensure you are heard. While there are many books that seem to strike like lightening and rapidly gain fame and momentum, they represent a small portion of published works. If you have not already considered what your marketing and PR plan will look like, it’s time!

Authors who achieve bestseller status employ specific strategies on how to get there. TechPress will help you develop that plan and connect you with partners that are able to successfully implement your strategies. Contact us today to learn more!

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