Business, Business Development, Mentoring, Publishing, Writing

Best Strategies for Writing

strategies for writingMany people I mentor want to become an author and expert in their field. Mastering strategies for writing is an important step in becoming a masterful author. In the next few blogs, I would like to share insights on how to become a good writer, get published and effectively market your writing.

Here are some strategies for writing to get you started:

Write From the Gut

Drafting any piece of writing—be it an essay, a short story, or a non-fiction book—takes time and thought. But regardless of the type of format you choose, be sure to write about something that really moves you. Spend some time thinking about what truly motivates you and what you want to share with others. Try jotting down notes by hand in a notebook to capture some initial ideas or bring along a tape recorder on a brisk walk to get your juices flowing. Push past commonplace ideas and cultivate a unique message.

Develop an Outline

After brainstorming some ideas, develop the overarching theme and then outline points or chapters supporting your main idea. Once you have at least six to eight ideas, start fleshing out each with the key points you want to elaborate on.

Edit With Your Eyes and Ears

After writing a first draft, give yourself time away from the page so you can turn to your work with fresh eyes. Read and reread your work silently and aloud to observe the flow. Where are your sentences choppy? Where does your word choice become distracting? Which paragraphs look long and overwhelming? Revise with an eye and ear towards making your writing smooth and legible, without losing your unique message and voice.

Share With an Open Heart

Once you feel satisfied with your revisions, consider sharing your work with a trusted friend or colleague. Great writers are open to feedback. In fact, constructive criticism often makes your work much stronger.

But before incorporating any feedback, ask yourself some important questions. Are these suggested changes going to fundamentally alter your message? Or will these edits help clarify your intent?

In short, invest the time to develop your unique voice and writing style. Don’t be afraid to share that voice with others and the rest will follow. By incorporating these writing strategies, you will master the art of good writing.

The next step will be learning the ABCs of publishing. Check out my next blog to learn more.

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