Emotional Intelligence

Living Life by Your Own Design

A kid imagining a house designed to how she would like it.

Did you know that 98% of the population lives their lives reacting to the things that come their way? If you’re reading this, you are part of the 2% who want more than that out of life. You are one of the ones who want to be in control, living life by your design. 

When you know this, the question then becomes, “How do I start taking control of my life?” I hope that I can share the steps I’ve taken to build a rich life in all aspects so that you can apply these steps to your life and reach the level of success you crave

What does it mean to live life by design?

Living life by design means that you are clear about your purpose, your vision for the future, and the direction you want to take in life. To get that, you must go inward. That means taking time to be alone, away from the influences of others, to focus on the things that are important to you. 

When we lack a vision, we are more likely to either drift through life without direction or follow other people’s expectations for us and end up living lives that feel unfulfilling. This is how people come to feel stuck in life. What’s happening is, they lack direction and don’t know what to do next.

Without a specific direction, you cannot design the life you want. 

How do you design your life? 

When you design your life, it’s vitally important that the vision you create is yours and yours alone. Other people in your life may be well-meaning, giving you advice about your life’s direction, or perhaps telling you straight out what you should do, but only you know what is truly right for you. 

To take control of life, the place to start is defining your values. Your values always guide you, whether you realize it or not, and your emotions are the key.

When you feel great, you are in alignment with your values. When you feel off course or upset, it’s because one or more of your values have been impacted in some way. When you understand which values are affected, you get great insight into why you feel the way you do about a particular person or situation and that will help you build a better strategy to move forward.

Understanding your values will also simplify your decision-making process, which has the bonus of stopping procrastination. The faster you can make good decisions, the faster you can realize success. 

It’s as simple as this: if the decision you must make doesn’t align with your values, you can quickly say no, and vice versa. 

If the decision aligns with some of your values, but not all, you can take a step back and decide how you can align the situation to better fit. This way, you can move ahead with greater confidence and peace of mind, if the opportunity you are considering is something you desire. 

Once you define your values, the next step is refining your vision of the future and the life you want to design. 


"You create your future today" printed in red and black text on wooden blocks.


How to decide my future? 

To build a well-rounded vision for your future and live one big life, it’s important to consider all the aspects that affect your happiness. Take the time to go through the following areas as you create your vision for the future:

  • Family
  • Friends 
  • Finance
  • Field (career or business)
  • Faith
  • Fitness (physical, emotional, mental, etc.)
  • Fun

As you explore these areas, rate your level of happiness in each one. Feel free to create subcategories where it’s appropriate for you. For example, under family, you might want to rate your level of happiness with your spouse, children, parents, siblings, and extended family differently. 

Then ask yourself:

  • What’s working? 
  • What’s not? 
  • What opportunities do you want to create in the future?
  • What tools or knowledge do you need to move toward those opportunities?

Finally, consider the challenges you might face. Living a life by design means planning for the things that might get in your way. While we can’t foresee everything that could lead to failure, we can anticipate some predictable challenges and make sure we are prepared to get past them.

Building a strategy to design your life and planning the future you want, will make you part of the 2% of the population that consciously takes control of life and makes a difference in the world. 

To get on the fastest path to success, engage with a master mentor. It’s important to select a mentor that matches you and your values and has experience in the areas you want to develop. 


This FREE GUIDE will help you maximize the power of the mentor/mentee relationship, so you can quickly build the fabulous life you so richly deserve! 

My changes since working with Sharon Lechter’s Master Mentors?

  • The results for me and my company have been long-lasting. I continue to input what Sharon has taught me, it is a part of who I am as a person and business owner.
  • My company PonyTail Bows is now 5 years strong and is the authority of Equestrian Hair Accessories. We are a PROFITABLE business of impact. Most importantly, Sharon has empowered me on every level as a CEO. 
  • People ask me all the time how I can be so confident as a speaker.  I announce, give testimonials, and vlog and I can attribute 100% to the work I did with Sharon. She gave me the tools and techniques to effectively communicate, it brought me from being a nervous, intimidated person to one who speaks with passion and confidence!
  • I have taken all that I have learned and am working on launching several new brands!

I am forever grateful to my “Sharon Family” and the Master Mentor team that have made a lasting impact on my life. – Tracey Currey, Founder- PonyTail Bows

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