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Changing Your Mindset and Dialogue Around Finances

Kate Rode · Oct 10 Topic: Mentoring vs Enabling Your Kids Alt Text: A mom and her daughter are looking at each other and smiling. Alt Text: A girl holding a pen while on a Zoom call with an older woman. Topic: Entrepreneurship Vs Employment? Deciding the Path You Want to Take Alt Text: Wooden blocks stacked in two pyramid shapes with a red block placed at in the bottom row for one and the red block placed on the top for the other. Alt Text: A woman working at a coffee shop with headphones on. Topic: Why are Women More Stressed About Money Than Men? Alt Text: A woman sitting at her desk with her hand on her head looking at a document. Alt Text: A woman sitting on the floor using a calculator to work out bills. Topic: Changing Your Mindset and Dialogue Around Finances Alt Text: figures of a woman and child standing on a financial document

If you ever find yourself saying things like:

  • I can’t afford that
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • I never have enough money

It is a sign that your mindset and your desire for financial freedom are not aligned. That misalignment is like putting the pedal to the metal on the gas in your car while pushing as hard as you can on the brake with the other foot. It slows or prevents your financial progress. 

To start building the life of your dreams, you must first change your dialogue around finances, so your energy, the decisions you make, and actions you take are all moving in the same direction, helping you reach your financial goals much faster. 

What is a bad money mindset?

The subject of money can illicit a myriad of negative emotions, especially when dealing with a lot of debt. Even if you have enough money, the beliefs around it, handed down from family members, caregivers, and figures of influence in your childhood, along with any negative financial experiences in adulthood, can perpetuate a scarcity mindset and the fear of poverty

When we have a negative mindset around money or other things in our lives, that mindset affects our decision-making process and in turn, the outcomes we experience, because our thoughts dictate our decisions, which direct our actions, ultimately delivering a result. If we allow fear to creep in, we are even less likely to make any changes, keeping us in a status quo or hypnotic rhythm that perpetuates limited results and lack of opportunity.  


The key to breaking free from the cycle is changing our mindset from a negative one to a positive one, so we can get better results. 

How do I change my perspective on money?

Changing your perspective on money is a simple process that requires vigilance and consistency. The steps below are ones you can use to change your relationship with money or any other area of your life that is challenging you. 

To start, identify your negative thought patterns. Self-awareness is the foundation of the change process because you must be able to identify what you want to change before you can get the positive results you want. Negative self-talk leads to limited belief systems and smaller comfort zones, which will keep you playing small. When you become aware of the negative thought patterns you have throughout your day, you will be able to identify areas where you need a mindset shift. 

Explore your beliefs. Your mindset is directly influenced by your belief system. With an open mind—be as objective as possible—explore the belief that is attached to the negative thought(s) you’ve identified:

  • Where did it come from?
  • How might the belief have protected you in the past?
  • Is the belief still valid? Can you find ANY evidence to disprove it? 
  • Do you want to keep the belief or change it?

These questions will help you do a deeper dive into the belief, creating a better understanding of it, which will help you you identify the areas where you need a mindset shift to get different results in your life. 

Reframe the belief. An easy way to turn a negative belief into a positive one and shift your mindset at the same time, is to turn an “I can’t” into a “How can I?” So instead of saying, “I can’t afford this,” ask, “How can I afford this?” 

By asking, “How can I?” your mind opens and becomes curious. Then it starts to look for an answer, which can take you in new directions. This is why reframing the belief is a key step for changing your mindset and getting amazing new results in your life. 

Identify areas for education. The fastest way to change your perspective, your mindset, and your internal dialogue, is to learn something new. Many beliefs that we hold are based on outdated information, especially if they were formed in our early years. The more we can learn about an area that is challenging us, the easier it will be to alleviate the fear of the unknown and take steps to make a positive change, especially when it comes to your finances. 

Make your action plan. Look at where you are now and where you want to go, build your strategy to close the gap, and then set your goals based on your strategy. To assist with strategy development, ask:

  • What steps do you need to take to improve your mindset? 
  • Where do you need to learn more about financial literacy, personal development, or professional development to advance and increase your income? 
  • What is the first step you can take today? 

When it comes to your financial plan, you may need to reduce debt first, build an emergency fund, start investing, or take steps to diversify your portfolio. Everyone’s strategy will be a little different based on where they are currently, but there is a step-by-step way to make wealth-building changes.  

Finally, TAKE ACTION! Nothing changes if nothing changes. Take the first step, and then the next. Stay vigilant and keep going, one step at a time. This consistency will help you reach your financial goals. 

When you take the steps to change your internal dialogue around finances, you will be able to turn the rich vision you have for your future into a reality. 

The fastest way to increase your financial knowledge and know how is to learn from a trusted mentor. Each month I host Let’s Talk Money, where I share my insights on: 

  • The things that are happening in the economy and financial world.
  • What is influencing my financial decisions?
  • Where I see opportunities for investors and business owners.

When you join us, you will also get to ask your questions about money to get the answers that are specifically relevant to you. It is the most cost-effective way to get expert financial insights from a trusted mentor who can help you build your wealth and the life you dream about!


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