Learn from Sharon
5 Financial Tips Every Young Woman Should Know
The earlier in life you can start to develop your good money habits the richer your financial future will be to become a financially stable woman, here are 5 financial …

Is Real Estate the Best Path to Financial Freedom? Here’s What You Need to Know
In my opinion, real estate is one of the greatest assets that you can invest in and 90% of millionaires agree! That is because someone always needs a place to …

Upleveling Your Identity with Lydia Knight
Lydia Knight is a paradigm-shifting author, speaker, and executive coach. She speaks with Sharon about deprogramming from indoctrination and explores the personal and social impact of our thought patterns. As …

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Sharon Lechter’s Best Money Tips.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …

The Most Profitable Niches to Explore in 2025
Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, someone wanting to start a new business or looking for ways to increase the number of income streams you have, exploring new trends, market …
Falling Behind on Your Savings Goals? Try These 3 Simple Strategies.
In the United States, the average American carries $104,215 in debt across all their loans and credit cards. This is a staggering amount that can cause people to quickly fall …
Which Excuses are Standing in the Way of Your Goals?
Not everyone wants to hear this, but our mindset is typically the biggest obstacle we must overcome to reach our goals and make our dreams come true. When we are …
Grow Your Wealth with Good Debt
Most of us have never been taught the secrets of building wealth or how to leverage good debt to do it. It is not a difficult process, you just need …
Is Self-Care Selfish? Why Personal Growth Benefits Your Whole Family
As people who are givers, taking time for self-care can feel selfish, but prioritizing our well-being is essential, not indulgent. To accentuate the point, think about a day when you …
Creating Family Gratitude Rituals
Gratitude is a powerful emotion—one that can increase the feeling of happiness and fulfillment, for you and your loved ones—and isn’t that what we all want? This is why it …