Learn from Sharon

Creating Power in Your Career

If you happen to be one of the millions of people around the nation who find themselves unhappy in their careers, it’s time to take a critical look at what …

From Tests to True Teaching

In Outwitting the Devil, The Devil mentions while being questioned by Hill that, “Children are sent to school to make credits and to learn how to memorize, not to learn …

My Wendy Robbins Interview… Expires Sunday at Midnight!

Last week I had the great opportunity to participate in Wendy Robbins’ “How to Create and Market Your Ideas” teleseminar series. Since then we’ve had numerous requests to extend the …

Demand Independence

As our nation celebrated its birthday a few days ago, I couldn’t help but feel sad about where our country is today. On July 4, 1776, our founding fathers signed …

Live the Life of Your Choosing

Each and every one of us – including you – has the power to live meaningful and rewarding lives of our own choosing. It certainly doesn’t come without much hard …

Outwitting the Devil Teleseminar with Sharon

Here’s info on a Teleseminar I’m hosting on July 12th. I am one of several speakers over the course of many weeks. What you need to do is register for …

Avoiding the Lure of Propaganda

As long as there has been civilization and communication, there has been propaganda. It’s the exaggeration or even total fabrication of truth that clouds our vision and makes us act …

Convert Failure Into a Stepping Stone for Success

Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Failure can be a crushing and devastating experience. It can …

Conquer Your Fears

Fear is a paralyzing emotion. Without thought or recognition it can slip silently into our everyday lives until eventually it leaves us paralyzed, unable to think or act reasonably. If …

Drifting in Outwitting the Devil

In Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil the concept of drifting is explored. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, be sure to do that. Some great deals are going …