Learn from Sharon

Sharon Talks About Outwitting the Devil on AZ Family

I recently had the pleasure of going on Good Morning Arizona and talking about Outwitting the Devil. I hope you’ll check it out!

Outwitting the Devil – Hill’s Newly Published Work

I am so thrilled to be a part of annotating and releasing to the world along with the Napoleon Hill Foundation Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill’s latest published novel. Written …

Nat’l Bank of Arizona Event

WFG Author Series, featuring Sharon Lechter, discussing “Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success”, written by Napoleon HillWednesday, June 15, 2011 | 5 – 7:30pm Location: NBAZ Conference Center 6001 …

Outwitting the Devil Meet-ups

Meetup.com and the new book, “Outwitting the Devil” have partnered to sponsor 40 meetup groups across the country! If you’re interested in finding one, check out this live map.

May Tip: Be Sound of Mind

This may sound like an obvious tip, but you’d probably be surprised how often people break it and to what degrees. Being sound of mind means keeping onto your judgment …

May Tips: Give to Receive

Giving back to your community or those in need is a vastly rewarding experience. Not only do you have the personal satisfaction of helping someone in need, but you truly …

May Tips: Always Persist

Try, try again. This timeless phrase holds real meaning in creating a successful business and life. Persistence is and always will be the leading trait of successful people. So many …

May Tips: Look to Achieve That Success

When you know what success looks like and what your personal success equation is, it’s time to go after it with every fiber of your being. No obstacle, no divide …

May Tips: Learn From Others

The experiences, failures and successes of others are a great teacher in our own journey through life. Napoleon Hill certainly knew this fact while compiling Think and Grow Rich. Trying …

Leverage Other’s Assets

Every good business person knows that growing a business by themselves is a huge challenge, if not completely impossible depending on the venture. If you’re looking to build an automobile, …