Learn from Sharon
May Tips: Know Your CODB
If you have your own business venture, or even a small hobby that generates some steady income, then you must know your Cost of Doing Business (CODB). CODB is pretty …
May Tips: Create Long Term Goals
Long term goals are a great way to set your sights on the future. It’s important to make these actual, tangible goals though, not just pie in the sky thinking. …
May Tips: What is Success to You
Before you can ever really achieve success, you have to know what it looks like personally for you. Each person has a different definition of success. To some it is …
May Tips: Create Steady Income Streams From Hobbies
Hobbies can be a great little side business to start generating income. The best ones are passive income generating. This means, without you putting in any direct or constant work …
May Tips: Practice the Two Minute Rule
The two minute rule is something that I personally apply all the time in my day to day life. This is how it works. When you’re out shopping or browsing …
May Tips: Consult a CPA
It’s good to know when you’ve hit the limits of your knowledge, or when it would take up too much of your valuable time to try and learn something new …
May Tips: Look for Great Deals
Deal hunting can be an art, and it’s time you became an artist! Coupon clipping, sale shopping and more can save you thousands of dollars a year on every day …
May Tips: Know the Worth of Your Time
This is a follow-up to my last post on saving and ensuring you’re not wasting time. That’s because you need to know the worth of your time! And believe you …
May Tips: Work on Efficiency
Efficiency – it’s the one thing we all know we need to work on – and one of the first things we say we’ll get to tomorrow. Procrastination strikes again! …
May Tips: Find What You Can Delegate
You can boost your time management and efficiency by delegating small tasks and big time wasting tasks to other people who can often do it faster and better. It’s why …