Learn from Sharon

Review Your Expenses and Talk with a CPA

After taking the time to get organized, it’s time to actually sit down for an intensive review of your expenses and finances, and to likely talk with a CPA. I …

Be Prepared with an Emergency Fund

If an emergency fund isn’t already a part of your plan, it needs to be ASAP. So many people found themselves in serious trouble during this recession because they didn’t …

April is Financial Literacy Month – Get Organized!

It’s that time of year again. Just a few short days away, April kicks off National Financial Literacy Month. It has been seven years since the U.S. Senate passed a …

Financial Education in Our Schools

Each year passes by without a strong curriculum of financial education in our schools nationwide. This is simply unacceptable. And though many of us have tried and continue to lobby …

Spending Away Your Future

The Center for Debt Management categories debt as “spent future income.” If you’ve accumulated enough debt, you may be spending years’ worth of future income without the benefit of directing …

Dodge the Debt Debauchery

Americans and many other people across the world have made building up debt an art form. In little debaucheric episodes we fly out to our favorite stores or click the …

Paying Off and Consolidating Debt

So you’ve found yourself with a pile of debt and now you’re wondering how to unbury. First, don’t fret. Virtually everyone has some form of debt, and that’s not always …

Dare to Imagine

I want you to do something right now. I want you to stop for just a moment and think about your dream life. What it is that you value, what …

Develop a Mental Attitude of Success

Success isn’t a destination or a prize to be won. It’s not some stop along the route of life or a peak to be reached and sat upon. Success is …

ARIZONA AICPA Deems New Board Game a Hit to Educate Children on Financial Literacy

Check out this excerpt from the AICPA State Society Communicator. So glad to have this endorsement from such a great group. Building upon their already successful financial literacy program for …