Learn from Sharon

Tip 24: Talk to Your Children

Involving your children in your financial lives at a younger age will help put them on the path to financial freedom. You don’t have to share every nitty gritty detail …

Tip 23: Communicate With Your Representatives

Talking to your local Representatives about what you want and need from your government should be a part of your life. It is important to communicate your ideals to those …

Phoenix new housing market stabilizing

Despite the constant news of doom and gloom from national media sources, the new housing market in Phoenix is showing signs of stabilization and even improvement. New home closings were …

Week Four, Tip 22: Start Planning for Your Future

Your future begins today and now if you have the drive. You need to plan for it to optimize your time, success and happiness. Use the tools and tips you …

Sharon speaks to Homeschool.com Radio about YOUTHpreneur and financial education

Yesterday, Sharon spoke to a large audience of homeschooling parents with Homeschool.com editor Rebecca Kochenderfer. The hour long interview aired on Homeschool.com’s BlogTalkRadio. In it, Sharon and Rebecca discussed the …

Tip 21: Explore Real Estate Options

Real estate has been a time honored way to begin amassing passive income for your family for generations. With housing prices in many markets at record lows, now is the …

Tip 20: Read What Others Are Saying

You have already taken this step without even thinking about it by reading the 30 Tips to Ensure Your Financial Fitness. If you spend just 15 to 30 minutes each …

Tip 19: Create a Spending Game

As part of your new financial club with your friends, hold a contest with them on who can find ways to have the most fun and spend the least money. …

Tip 18: Create a Financial Club

Creating a club may sound daunting, but don’t let this tip intimidate you. You don’t need to start publishing a financial club newsletter, become an expert or try to plan …

Tip 17: Sell Off Items You No Longer Use

Everyone has been guilty of being a pack rat at one point or another. Whether it’s the collection of baseball cards you have from when you were a kid, collection …