Learn from Sharon

Teaching kids more money savvy could avoid a financial crisis

More news sources are chiming in with reports on how a bit more financial literacy amongst Americans could have helped the financial crisis we are in today. This newest one …

Tough economy fosters inspiraton in new entrepreneurs

When times get tough and the economy forces people out of their jobs, entrepreneurship is born. Unable to find work, many new graduates and experienced workers are turning their thoughts …

The Great Recession and Financial Literacy

The media speculates and places blame every day on what they think are the culprits of our current financial troubles and economic recession. Wall Street executives, poor mortgage practices and …

Twin turns loss into hope and entrepreneurship

The inspirations that can create and propel a YOUTHpreneur to success come from all over. From a personal drive to be successful to an older role model to turning a …

Charles Schwab Foundation announces winners of Fall 2008 National Financial Literacy Challenge scholarship awards

SAN FRANCISCO, March 3, 2009 – Twenty-two high school students have learned that knowledge literally pays. Charles Schwab Foundation is awarding $1,000 scholarships to each of the 22 students who …

Young girls learn financial empowerment lessons

Over 200 mothers and daughters were encouraged this weekend with news of empowerment and the freedom to lead financially successful lives by well known author and entrepreneur Sharon Lechter. Sharon …

Sharon speaking to groups in Southwest next two weeks

Over the next two weeks, Sharon will be traveling between LA, Phoenix and Las Vegas to speak to audiences ranging from teenage girls to hopeful authors as she continues to …

States look to implement mandatory financial education classes

In the midst of the U.S. financial crisis, individual states and elected officials are taking the steps to mandate some form of financial education curriculum or credit in public schools. …

AP – Economic crisis spurs personal finance classes

The need for personal finance in the current economy hasn’t escaped several educators and is now receiving continued national exposure, this time by media news source the Associated Press. In …

Is it time to Invest in Real Estate?

Foreclosures are rising. Real estate prices are falling. Interest rates are dropping. Is now the time to buy?  Are you afraid of missing the “deal of a lifetime?”  Are you …