Business Development

Global Business Growth Strategies

The world is smaller today than ever before in terms of being able to find and connect with people. Global business growth strategies are an important part of your business …

Find Your Niche

5 Steps to Find Your Niche

If you have started your own business or thought about it, you’ve probably heard how important it is to find your niche. But that can be easier said than done. …

Market Without Hype

Market Without Hype

Have you ever experienced great marketing for a product or service only to be disappointed when you experience the real thing? When competing for consumers’ attention, it is difficult to …

Tips to Conquer Fear

Tips to Conquer Fear and Create Your Best Life

Fear can slip silently into our everyday lives until eventually it leaves us drifting through life in avoidance.  If you’ve read Outwitting the Devil, you learned that drifting leads to the …

Become a Public Speaker

Tips to Become a Public Speaker

You’ve spent your career building your expertise. Now it’s time to build your platform to share your knowledge and experience. Remember these 5 tips to become a public speaker so …

Business Credit Building

Business Credit Building

Business credit building can work for any business, even startups. It is credit in a business’s name, not tied to an owner’s personal credit, not even if the owner is …

Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Business

Tips to Use Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Business

The strategy of leveraging someone else’s reach, celebrity or database to grow your brand or bottom line isn’t a new one. However, social media has changed the game of what …

Preparing Yourself for a Corporate Board Position

We have all read study after study that proves that diversity at all levels of business isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. Companies …

Overcome Fear

How to Overcome Fear and Take Action

Have you ever known something you needed to do but avoided it out of fear? Procrastination is usually a result of fear. Here are 5 tips on how to overcome …

starting a new business

How to Avoid Pitfalls When Starting a New Business

Starting a new business is one of the most exciting and rewarding adventures you can embark on. It takes courage and a great deal of work. But in order to succeed, you also need to be armed with how to avoid pitfalls that so many new entrepreneurs face.