Finances And Banking

couple discussing finances together while looking over a computer

How to Align Your Money Goals with Your Partner | Financial Wellness

The topic of money can be emotionally charged and challenging for some, but if you want a healthy relationship with your partner, learning how to align your money goals is …

Raising Smart Savers | A Guide to Teaching Your Child Financial Literacy

As a financial literacy expert, I know that introducing basic financial concepts to children is a great way to set them up for future financial success. Teaching early money management …

Finding a Financial Mentor: Why Every Young Woman Should Have One

It is not a surprise to women of any age that we think differently than men, which includes our thoughts about money and finance. This is why it’s so important …

What is the Best Age to Retire? | Wealth Building Strategies for Financial Confidence Later in Life

“What is the best age to retire,” is a question I have been asked many times. Here’s the problem, it’s the wrong question to ask. It’s not about your age, …

3 Steps to Improve Your Financial Wellness | Build the Abundant Life You Want

Saving will not make you wealthy. Does that surprise you? It’s investing that will help you build the abundant life you really want. But, if you are having difficulty financially, …

Debt: Is it a Necessary Evil? | Tips to Navigate Debt and Turn Bad Debt to Good

When you are building wealth, it is important to understand that not all debt is bad. In fact, to build your credit score, you have to incur some debt to …

Investing in Annuities | Income Streams for Retirement

There are many ways to build income streams, for your life now or for your future retirement. It is important to explore all your options before you make your choice, …

How to Focus on Your Finances – Wealthy Insights to Get Ahead and Stay There!

When things aren’t going well financially, it can become very easy to put blinders on and ignore what’s happening with your money, but the problem with that is it just …

Staying on Vacation Budget

How to Stay on Your Vacation Budget

We are in to the full swing of summer and it is slow time for many industries. But for travel, many people are just starting their adventure. This means a …

Money Tips for Graduates

Money Tips for Graduates

College graduation is a time for celebration. As you enter a new phase in your life, remember these money tips for graduates to help you create a strong foundation for …