Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Sharon Lechter’s Best Money Tips.
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
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High-school seniors and College students
College students
Young professionals – Now that you are entirely on your own…it is very important to understand your credit score, how it is calculated and what will help it…but more importantly what will hurt it. It can drop quickly but getting it to rise may take longer than you realize.
Understand what impacts your credit:
Tips to Raise Your Credit Score:
–This will improve your amount owed vs. amount available ratio by increases the amount
– Keep them open (so it helps your amount available)
The steps for becoming a millionaire are simple. You need a personalized strategy based on where you are in your financial journey right now. You have to outline your goals …
Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, someone wanting to start a new business or looking for ways to increase the number of income streams you have, exploring new trends, market …
If you ever find yourself saying things like: I can’t afford that Money doesn’t grow on trees I never have enough money It is a sign that your mindset and …