Emotional Intelligence

Using Your Intuition to Make Changes: A Guide for Trusting Your Gut

follow your instincts overlayed on a deserted road

Using Your Intuition to Make Changes: A Guide for Trusting Your Gut

We have all had those times when we’ve made a decision and then kicked ourselves for it afterward because deep inside of us we felt like it wasn’t right, but instead of trusting our gut, we let our brains override it with facts or data, or we relied on someone else’s opinion, which resulted in a decision that wasn’t right for us. 

Our bodies hold great wisdom, all we have to do is tune in to them. We get intuition signals all the time, and if we get better at recognizing them and using them as another tool in our toolbox of decision-making techniques, we can make our visions a reality much faster, and perhaps, easier too. 

How to know if your intuition is telling you to do something?

Most of the time, intuition is subtle and the signs of intuition can be different from person to person. 

Intuition signals can be perceived as:

  • A gut feeling
  • Goosebumps
  • Butterflies or a sinking or rising feeling in your stomach
  • A strong need to do something even though it doesn’t make sense
  • Sensations of up for “yes” and down for “no” around your heart
  • A stimulation of one or more of our five senses, like a taste or smell or a voice in your head
  • Sweaty palms
  • A racing heart

To get better at noticing our intuition signals, each one of us needs to look back at our past experiences to remember sensations we might have felt prior to, or at the turning point, of a decision we made. Then we can use that information to guide us in our decision-making process in the future. 

Why is intuition so powerful?

Intuition is more than a “woo woo” way of making decisions. 

Our senses gather about 11 million bits per second from our environment and our brains process all that data. On a subconscious level it is aware of far more than we realize. It is only when we shift our focus that we become conscious of other things happening around us. For example, you are reading right now, but if you shift your focus to the sounds around you, you will notice a variety of different ones, like ambient room noise, voices, or sounds outside of the room you are in. 

Our brains are capable of tuning into data that we are not consciously aware of, including past memories and experiences, and based on that data it sends us signals we can use to our advantage. 

The subconscious mind is far more powerful than we realize, which again, is a great reason to get better at using your intuition to make changes in your life. 

How do you use your intuition to make decisions?

You can use your intuition to make everyday choices or to guide your major-life decisions. It doesn’t mean that you don’t use the rational thinking methods we usually apply to our decision-making process. We use our intuition in addition to them.

Your first step is to learn how your intuition communicates with you. For this, you need to become more self-aware and better attuned to the sensations in your body. You can develop that by:

  • Spending time alone to get to know yourself better. 
  • Asking yourself yes or no questions that you know the answers to, and see where you feel those answers in your body. For example, ask yourself if your first name is something different than it is, and see how your body responds. Then ask yourself if your name is what it actually is and notice the difference in the feeling. 
  • Improving your emotional intelligence, so you can decipher the difference between an emotional response and how your intuition communicates. 

Then, practice with small decisions to see how it works for you. Try things like using it to choose the route to take to work, what to order for lunch, or where you might find a good parking spot. Observe the results. This is something you can have fun with before you put it to bigger tests. 

For guiding major-life decisions:

  • Start by defining your vision and your goals for the change you want to make.
  • Collect the appropriate data and information to assist in the decision-making process. 
  • After you have all the information you feel comfortable with, go somewhere you can be alone and lean into your intuition. 
  • Ask questions and notice how your body reacts. 
  • Then follow through on the decision that feels the best to you.

Often, we know what we really want, but we override the decision because of the information in front of us or we allow the opinions of others to influence us. To be more successful and truer to our inner selves, we all need to get better at using our intuition to make changes. 

Our inner self has so much wisdom, and in my experience, our intuition never steers us wrong. You just have to shift your mindset to start using your intuition to your advantage. 

If you would like to bolster your positive mindset, become more self-attuned and get tips for creating more success in your life, I invite you to access my ATM.

The Abundance Tips and Mentoring will arrive in a daily audio file, delivered via email and text. Through them, you will get many ways to increase your financial knowhow, money mindset, confidence and so much more. 

This is the easiest way I can think of to cultivate the mindset that will bring you the life you so richly deserve. ACCESS MY ATM NOW!

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