
Born with It: Traits of a Youth Entrepreneur

A collage of the youth all dressed in different professional attire.

Some people think very differently and have gifts and abilities that are evident quite early in life. We see young people who excel in the arts, science, mathematics, technology, and entrepreneurship. When you have a child that has the makings of a YOUTHpreneur, you can encourage them to start exploring their possibilities and expanding their skills, from a very early age. 

What are the traits of a YOUTHpreneur?

Like adult entrepreneurs, YOUTHpreneurs show similar traits. They include:

  • A desire to serve and support others. Beyond making money, entrepreneurs have a mission to make a difference in the world. Children can show this desire at a young age when they try to help friends, family members, classmates, pets and so on.
  • Leadership skills. The ability to get other people to see new perspectives and take action is imperative for becoming a successful entrepreneur. Leadership skills are often evident early in life when children show a natural inclination to help others excel or get past challenges. 
  • Adaptability. When facing adversity, the people who have an agile mindset can find ways to get past challenges that others might not see. Developing resiliency and being open to multiple ways of reaching a goal are key traits for entrepreneurship. Children who have this ability are able to reapproach a challenge and keep trying until they eventually succeed. You might see it when your child is learning to fit a puzzle piece, getting better at a sport or game, or learning new skills at school. 
  • Discipline. Running a successful business means setting up systems and processes and sticking with them. Not everyone has that kind of discipline, but it does show itself in those who have the qualities of a young entrepreneur. Children who are excited to go to sports practice, do homework without having to be asked, or who want to practice their new skills to get even better at them, show the kind of discipline needed to become a YOUTHpreneur. 
  • Ambition. Successful entrepreneurs of any age are determined to make a difference in their way, using their unique gifts, skills and abilities. Children and teens who naturally want to excel in the things they love are showing their ambition. 

While there are many characteristics successful entrepreneurs share, the children and teens who might have the desire to become a YOUTHpreneur will show some or all of the traits above, which opens the door for parents to start discussing ways they can support their children’s future aspirations. If a child in your life expresses the desire to be an entrepreneur but has not yet cultivated the skills above- start by working on a growth mindset (the belief that a person’s abilities and knowledge can be improved with effort and through learning) as this will lay a solid foundation for new skill development.

How do I talk to my children about their future ambitions?

This is such a wonderful question to explore. I am a big believer in having discussions about business, finance, and creating value at an early age because it starts to develop the mindset and skills that we all need to prosper in life, in all the meanings of prosperity. 

For me, it started at our dinner table when my dad would ask, “Sharon, have you added value to someone’s life today?”

It is such a powerful question and I’m grateful to my father for helping me understand at a very young age how I contributed to the world in my special way. This question guided the way I showed up each day, and it still does today. I encourage you to ask your children this question because it will develop their ambition and help them build their confidence through the value they deliver in their unique way.

A woman high-fiving a young boy when helping with his homework.

Experiences are another way we learn about ourselves and the world around us. Even a simple trip to a convenience store can get your children thinking far beyond a transaction. 

  • Where did the items you purchased come from?
  • How are they made?
  • How many different brands are there for the same kinds of items and why might people like one over the other?
  • Does the owner work in the store or did the owner hire someone and is therefore investing their time on other opportunities?

Those are just a few conversation starters! As you start to deepen your experiences together in this way, so many more trains of thought will reveal themselves, leading to new ideas and opportunities to explore together!

Volunteering is also a great way to show your child how they can make a difference. Not only does it help people and organizations in your community, but your children can also see the impact they can make when they participate. 

Volunteering and community involvement will also help them build connections and friendships, as well as hard and soft skills, while it helps them discover their personal values, ethics and how they want to contribute to the world around them. This discovery will integrate with both their ambitions and desire to become a young entrepreneur.

And of course, you can directly explore topics like how to save money, why we need money, businesses they think are interesting, products they love that provide value, investing, what business they might like to start, and so much more! 

Once you get started you will quickly find out if your child has an interest in being a YOUTHpreneur and how you might be able to support them. 

I love working with YOUTHpreneurs because they have so many wonderful ideas about how they can make a difference. It’s one of the reasons I created the YOUTHpreneur BIZkit. With it you can start a business at any age, with little to no money, and give back to your community too. Your young entrepreneur will get a step-by-step process that walks them through starting a part time business, complete with tools and resources to implement their business vision.


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