Career Development, Finances And Banking, Investing

Making Your Mark in the Male-Dominated Crypto Industry – Where Women Earn More!

Woman in a suit flexing her arm muscle in front of blue skyscrapers.

A very interesting thing is happening in the crypto industry. While there is a gender gap, it is a male-dominated field, and the gender pay gap in crypto is inverted. In the US, women generally earn only 84 cents to every dollar men earned, but in the crypto field, when comparing median base salaries, women earn 15% more than men!

This begs one of two questions, what can you do to make your mark in the male-dominated crypto industry, or what can you take away from it to earn more where you are now?

Why do women in crypto make more money?

Like other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) jobs, there is a gender gap. Crypto has far more men than women, but we are starting to see a shift. I believe that crypto is here to stay and that it is an industry more women should explore as investors and for careers. 

It is very interesting to see that women in crypto make more than men. The data supporting the higher pay rates show that women in the crypto field:

  • Hold mid-level to senior positions
  • Have over five years in similar roles
  • Are more experienced in their areas of expertise

This longevity and distinction in career qualifications can account for some of the increased pay, but what the data doesn’t account for are the soft skills and other qualities that these women have that enhance their success and higher salaries. 

What are the characteristics of successful women in crypto and other industries?

The top women in crypto, as well as female leaders in other fields, share similar qualities. They include:

Resiliency: We will all face failures in challenges in our careers. Resiliency is a core component for coping with stress and dealing with overwhelm, which all leaders must be able to do effectively. The more resilient we are, the less likely we will be to make unfavorable decisions during times of difficulty. This ability to make good decisions under pressure can put us on a faster path to success.

Assertiveness: Women who rise to the top of their fields can confidently own their skills and abilities while conquering self-doubt. We want to follow people who are both confident and competent, which is why developing assertiveness is so important. The most effective and respected leaders stand up for their point of view and quickly make decisions to capitalize on opportunities and/or efficiently move past challenges. 

Adaptability: Emerging trends, market fluctuations, and increased competition are just a few of the things that the leading women in crypto and other industries will face. Change is a fact of life. The faster we can accept the change and adapt our approach, the faster we can move toward a solution and the opportunities it will bring. 

A willingness to learn: The most successful people in the world are life-long learners. In this era of rapidly advancing technology, things change quickly, particularly in fields like crypto that are directly affected by these advancements. The more open we are to new information, perspectives, and points of view, the easier it is to adapt. It is our ability to learn and apply our newfound knowledge to our current situations that make us effective leaders and lead to career advancement. 

A woman working on her laptop and mobile device, looking at cryptocurrency and stock trends.

What are the steps for empowering yourself in the crypto workplace or any other?

Empowering yourself in the workplace is one of the crucial elements for pay raises and promotions. One of the first steps on the road of empowerment is to become more accountable in your work. You are your best asset, and you must act as such. You cannot leave the opportunity for promotion or pay increases in the hands of other people. It is your responsibility to:

  • Document your successes,
  • Show how you learned from failures,
  • Develop your hard and soft skills,
  • And speak up for yourself, using this hard data to accelerate your career.

Accountability, confidence, and assertiveness are all developed when we own, communicate, and celebrate our successes

The next step is to do the inner work. We all have limiting beliefs that can hold us back – if we allow it. To excel in life and our careers, we must overcome things like imposter syndrome or self-sabotage, so we can attain the level of success we deserve. It will be an ongoing practice as we grow personally and professionally. Each new level of success we attain will reveal new areas for inner work, as well as personal and professional development.

Finally, to shorten the time it takes to gain the level of success you want, engage with mentors. I am so happy that there are more women becoming mentors and that there are more companies that actively support women’s empowerment in the workplace. Great things happen when women support each other!

By connecting with other women who understand where you are now and have already taken the steps to advance, you give yourself the opportunity to learn how to get past challenges faster and you will also increase your power of association through your mentor and their network. That will lead to further opportunities to advance in your career, inside or outside of the crypto industry. 

If you are a woman who would like to learn from a female master mentor who has built several multi-million-dollar global successes, I encourage you to apply for my Master Mentor Program. I would love to help you accelerate your results. 


Because of my work with Sharon Lechter and her incredible team of master mentors, I have been able to: 

  • sidestep “bright shiny object syndrome”,
  • get crystal clear on my niche and competitive advantage,
  • generate triple the number of monthly leads, 
  • and close more of those sales with skill and confidence.

 — Eleanor Beaton Women’s Leadership Coach 

Contact Sharon


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