Pursuing Freedom with Erin Bradley
Erin Bradley is an expert when it comes to building a life that you do not need a vacation from. Once hitting rock bottom trying to build her business, Erin …

Tactics to Amplify Your Impact with Elaine Ralls
This week’s guest is Elaine Ralls, a long-time friend of mine and co-founder of commit Agency. Elaine helps brands grow and sustain their impact. The media dubbed her a “Serial …

How to Tell a Story in Your Brand with Marc Gutman
Marc Gutman is the founder of Wildstory, a company that helps businesses create authentic stories by generating buyers and brand loyalty. They help solve big business problems and create a …

Learning Your Way to Wealth with Jake and Gino
Jake and Gino are experts in multifamily real estate investing and have created financial freedom through their strategic investments. Their real estate company currently controls over $100,000,000 in assets under …

How Money Works with Tom Mathews
Tom Mathews is the Senior Executive Vice Chairman of the World Financial Group, as well as the Founder and CEO of WealthWave, a company that teaches financial literacy to families …

Strategic Impact with Carol Poore
Today’s guest Dr. Carol Poore has been making an impact in Arizona for many years, working as Vice Provost at Arizona State University and as the President and CEO of …

Building a Long Lasting Marriage
Sharon hosts a special podcast about the key to building a lasting and happy marriage. She tells the beautiful story about how she met her husband many years ago, how …

Building an Empire with Elena Cardone
Born in New Orleans, Elena Cardone started her career in Hollywood as a successful actress and model before becoming the empire builder and visionary that she is today. Breaking away …

Mastering the Art of Connection with Brandon Fong
Brandon Fong is one of the most inspirational young entrepreneurs that I know. Brandon is the founder and podcast host of 7-Figure Millennials, a show that focuses on interviewing young …

Powering Up from Within with Angela Totman
We have a very special guest this week – the Vice President and COO of Pay Your Family First, as well as my collaborator and friend. Angela is a speaker, …