Learn from Sharon


Top Money Management Tips

I’ve shared in the past fundamental principles of successful money management and how this is essential for financial independence. Today, I want to impart a few simple, actionable, everyday tips you can incorporate into your life to better manage your money.

how to become a motivational speaker

How to Become a Motivational Speaker

A great motivational speaker has the power to educate, uplift and inspire people to realize their dreams and full potential. They should have a gift for galvanizing people into action and helping them transform their desires into action.

How to Successfully Manage Money

Everyone aspires to financial freedom. But contrary to popular belief, this goal is not out of reach or only something a few select individuals can achieve. Rather, it is within everyone’s grasp, and the path is simple. All that is required is some discipline and a plan.

what does it take to become an entrepreneur

Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business but didn’t pursue this because you thought you didn’t fit the image of a “typical entrepreneur?”

how to make money from Instagram

How to Make Money from Instagram

The prevalence of social media has made it a powerful business tool. This is especially true when it comes to marketing. Social media has made it easier than ever for businesses with small budgets to expand their marketing reach. Businesses no longer need a massive ad budget or a team of highly-skilled experts to effectively reach a large audience.

how to become a social media influencer

How to Become a Social Media Influencer

Does the idea of discovering things you love, sharing them with friends, and getting paid, appeal to you? For many, this is extremely exciting. That’s why becoming a social media influencer is so coveted—especially since it is also very lucrative. Beauty guru Michelle Phan, for example, reportedly earns $3.5 annually. Moreover, given the increasing importance of influencer marketing, local, national and international brands are all seeking social media influencers.
So how do you become a social media influencer? Here are five key steps to help you raise your profile and become a social media influencer:

how to create a marketing strategy

How to Create a Marketing Strategy

Marketing is pivotal to the success of any business. Many of the entrepreneurs I mentor, often want help on creating a successful marketing strategy. Properly executed, this can elevate your profile, increase brand awareness and drive sales. It can also serve as a key differentiator for your business in the marketplace, giving you a competitive edge.

Press Release

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (April 4, 2017)—Customer experience visionary Richard Cassey will speak about the significant impact that ratings and reviews have on a brand’s revenue at the “Breakthrough Marketing for Breakout Sales” seminar hosted by entrepreneur, best-selling author and international speaker Sharon Lechter on April 14 in Scottsdale.

Internet marketing strategies

Top Four Internet Marketing Strategies

Every day, the rapid pace of technological progress continues to amaze me. Although it can sometimes be overwhelming to stay on top of all the latest technological trends, I value the incredible opportunities this presents to entrepreneurs and small business owners, especially when it comes to marketing. A successful Internet marketing strategy is one of the best ways to expand your business and remain viable in a competitive marketplace.

ways to improve customer experiences

How to Best Improve Customer Experiences

If you want a shining example of the value of great customer service, look no further than Amazon. Their willingness to immediately replace any lost package, no questions asked, is one reason why they are so successful. Although you might not have the resources of Amazon, you can still replicate their dedication to providing the best customer experiences.